Hi! I’m Alexa

Alexa Davidson, MSN, RN

I’m a registered nurse with over a decade of experience in neonatal and pediatric cardiac intensive care. After spending all those years in the hospital, the biggest lesson I learned is perspective.

People don’t want to be sick and spend years of their life in the hospital.  Healthcare providers don’t want that for our patients either.

Just like those little babies fresh out of heart surgery, the current state of healthcare in the U.S. is tenuous. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted all the things we’ve been doing wrong in healthcare, especially our emphasis on sick care.

Thankfully, your business is empowering women to take matters into their own hands. Your focus on the shift to preventative medicine will save lives.

As a nurse writer, I’m on a mission to be a part of the shift. I’m using my Master of Science in Nursing Education to teach people about health and be empowered to be partners in their care. My articles speak to readers at a 5th-grade reading level while covering complex topics. It’s an art!

I’m here to help you connect with people who are looking for you. Let’s get your message out there — because women need you.

women's health copywriter